Publications / Artikel

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These are articles I published. Please follow the link to the site where it was published.

1918.CH – 100th anniversary of Landesstreik: an insight into the creative process of retelling history through costumes


This article illuminates the costume design concept of the theatre production 1918.CH – 100th anniversary of Landesstreik with the key question of how to tell history in detail through costumes for a modern audience when the aim is not reenactment but to celebrate the possibilities of theatrical storytelling. Creating an experience for the audience that goes beyond the knowledge of the happenings, the director of the play relied on the costume design to improve the readability of the narrative of this large-scale production. This “behind the scenes” report also gives an insight into the collaboration between the costume design and construction, a combination of volunteers and professionals with specific skills from distinct areas of expertise.


Costume design process. Retelling history. Readability through costumes. Collaboration.


Published at dObra(s) Vol 12 No 26 (2019)